Tips For Safely Storing Artwork In A Self-Storage Unit


If you are leaving the country for a year abroad and have decided to put your artwork collection in a self-storage unit while you are gone, then it is important that you take steps to proactively prevent any damage. For example, you need to rent a climate-controlled unit to protect your art against temperature fluctuations, and then package each piece in the best way possible. To this end, here are some time-tested tips about how to safely store valuable artwork in a self storage unit.

25 May 2017

How To Properly Prepare A Barbeque For Storage


Barbeques are a staple of any good summer celebration, and provide a unique method for cooking food that provides a distinctive and delicious taste. However, during the winter months, you either have to drag your grill inside where it will take up a great deal of storage space, or leave it outdoors at the mercy of the elements. Therefore, it may be a good idea for you to consider renting a storage unit to store your barbeque in during the adverse weather to protect it while keeping space clear in your home.

15 May 2017

How To Organize Inventory In Storage


Business inventory takes up a whole lot of space, sometimes more than you actually have access to. If you need to store excess business inventory for the time being, you may want to consider renting a self-storage unit to fix your space limitations. However, you need to ensure that your inventory is properly organized when put into a storage unit to ensure that you are able to efficiently and quickly access the items you need when you need them.

27 April 2017

Selecting A Lock For Your Self Storage Unit? What You Need To Know About Different Types Of Locks


If the storage facility you are renting a self storage unit from requires you to purchase your own lock for the unit, you have many different types of locks you can select from. You want to make the right decision, as selecting the right type of lock helps to protect your unit. The right lock can deter thieves who may want to break in. Here are a few of the different types of locks and how effective this type of lock is for a self storage unit.

14 March 2017

Four Tips For Safely Storing Your Christmas Decorations In Self Storage


Using a self storage unit to store your Christmas decorations is a great way to keep your decorations safe and organized. This is especially important if you do not have sufficient storage in your home. Here are four tips to consider to ensure that you make the most of your self storage for safely storing your Christmas decorations: Keep Ornaments in Original Packaging: For ornaments, it's best to store them in their original packaging.

1 March 2017

5 Tips for Self-Storage in Southern Arizona during the Summer


Whether you are moving to southern Arizona or you are a student in southern Arizona and need to put your belongings in storage for the summer, you may be curious about your self-storage options. While you will likely find many self-storage centers in your area, it is important to take the heat into consideration when you rent your unit. These tips will help you choose the right unit and keep your belongings safe from high summer temperatures and flooding during monsoon season.

12 May 2016

What Types Of Materials Are Best To Use For Protecting Items In A Storage Unit?


If you are getting ready to move and need a place to store a lot of your things for a while, you may want to take the time to pack and load your things in ways that will offer the most protection for your belongings. Here are some tips to help you know what types of packing materials are the best for belongings that are placed in a self storage unit.

4 May 2016